The Best Sit-Stand adjustable desk for working from home
Since many people are stuck at home either working or just under stay at home orders, I thought that it would be a good time to do some research on how to get the best sit-standing adjustable desk for the best price in my own stay at home office.
So to start I looked around online and found some all-in-one options for about $300-500+. I then found Ikeas option which looked like the best option at first:
THEN, I thought since I’m not lazy why not just build my own, so I found this article that talks about the various sit stand options:
This led me to create this as my choice, a $265 DIY option from monoprice with options from 4-6 feet in length.

I’m going to order this soon, then will write a followup on the quality and how to assemble. Hope you enjoyed this article.